Upcoming events.

Morning Prayer (Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM)

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night” (Psalm 92:1-2). Join us Monday through Friday for Morning Prayer.

Morning Prayer (M-F, 7:30am): https://zoom.us/s/96904499752; Password: 4Christ

Lessons & Carols

Lessons & Carols

Join us on Sunday, Dec. 31st at 10am for a service of Lessons and Carols. In this service we recall the story of our redemption by hearing readings from the Scriptures and responding to them in praise. 

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Ultreya (October 15, 4:30pm)

Ultreya (October 15, 4:30pm)

This is a potluck event and we will meet at Jan Sherman's home. We will also have guest speaker, Ronald Kogo, one of our missionaries from Kenya, share with us how the Lord is using his ministry to reach people for Jesus.

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Wednesday Evening Study

Wednesday Evening Study

Join us at 7pm in the hospitality room for our final study in Galatians. In Galatians 5:7-6:18 Paul teaches us that if we accept circumcision Christ and the Spirit are of no advantage for us, he challenges us to fulfill the Law through love, reminds us that this can be done only in the Spirit, urges us to be generous towards others, and to consider well the motivations of those who teach us. Please read Galatians 5:7-6:18 ahead of the study and consider how Christ and the Spirit enable you to live in accord with God’s law, how you’ve seen love resolve bitterness, and how the Spirit has given you freedom from the flesh.

For those who cannot join us in person you can join us on Zoom here:
https://zoom.us/j/96595364227 Passcode: 4Christ

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Wednesday Evening Study

Wednesday Evening Study

Join us at 7pm in the hospitality room with cookies and decaf coffee for a study in Galatians 4:1-5:6. In this section Paul continues the theme of inheritance by pointing to our adoption as sons, reminds them of their shared trials and of his deep love and anguish for them, and provides an allegorical interpretation of Sarah and Hagar as representatives of freedom and slavery. Please read Galatians 4 ahead of the study and consider how you’ve received the idea that you are adopted by the Father, how Paul trains us to entreat and feel about those who have been deceived, and how we should recognize the new covenant as superior to the old.

For those who cannot join us in person you can join us on Zoom here:
https://zoom.us/j/96595364227 Passcode: 4Christ

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Wednesday Evening Study

Wednesday Evening Study

Join us at 7pm in the hospitality room with cookies and decaf coffee for a study in Galatians 3. In this section Paul presses in deeper to the distinction between faith and work of the law, reminds us of Christ’s sacrifice to deliver us from the curse of the law, and explains how the law was used in God’s providence to lead us to faith. Please read through Galatians 3 before the study and consider how easy it is to fall into self-justification, how meditating on Christ’s cross should inform understanding of justification, and how leads us to gladly receive the righteousness that comes by faith.

For those who cannot join us in person you can join us on Zoom here:
https://zoom.us/j/96595364227 Passcode: 4Christ

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Wednesday Evening Study

Wednesday Evening Study

Join us at 7pm in the hospitality room with cookies and decaf coffee for a study in Galatians 2. In this second section Paul discusses his reception by James, Peter, and John, his opposition to Peter when he isolated himself from the Gentiles, and his insistence that we have been justified by faith and not by the works of the Law. In preparation for this study please read Galatians 2 ahead of time and consider who you have partnered with in the advancement of the gospel, what sorts of issues force us to oppose partners, and how you’ve internalized the idea that we are saved by faith.

For those who cannot join us in person you can join us on Zoom here:
https://zoom.us/j/96595364227 Passcode: 4Christ

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Wednesday Evening Study

Wednesday Evening Study

Join us at 7pm in the hospitality room with cookies and decaf coffee for a study in Galatians 1. In this first section Paul greets the churches of Galatia, shares his astonishment that some have turned to a different gospel, and then shares some of his testimony. Please read to read through chapter 1 ahead of the study and consider your own encounters with false gospels, how the Lord drew you to the true gospel, and how the Lord might be calling you to help others lost in false hopes. 

For those who cannot join us in person you can join us on Zoom here:
https://zoom.us/j/96595364227 Passcode: 4Christ

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Holy Saturday - 9am

Holy Saturday - 9am

Join us at 9am to celebrate the descent of Christ into Hades. He suffered to descend, yet he did not descend to suffer, but to preach to the captives that they might hear and believe the gospel and ascend with him to Paradise forty days after his resurrection.

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Maundy Thursday - 6:30pm

Maundy Thursday - 6:30pm

On Maundy Thursday the Church gathers to remember the institution of the Eucharist, also called the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. On the night that he was betrayed our Lord Jesus demonstrated the love we ought to have for one another by washing his disciples’ feet and instituting the Eucharist that we might participate in his life for our salvation. This Maundy Thursday at 6:30pm we will hear the Word of God, meditate upon Christ’s love for us, share the love of Christ with one another through foot washing, and partake of Holy Communion.

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Palm Sunday - 9am or 10:45am

Palm Sunday - 9am or 10:45am

Join us at 9am or 10:45am to celebrate Palm Sunday. The first day of Holy Week, on Palm Sunday we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the crowds hail him as King, but one week later reject him and call for his crucifixion. This service begins with a processional of all the people, holding palm branches and singing, “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” before transitioning to the reading of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and culminating with the celebration of Holy Communion.

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

At 6:30pm on February 22 we will gather for Ash Wednesday, a day when we remember that the wages of sin is death. Because of our sin we have all merited death, and so as from dust we came so also to dust shall we return. In penitence we receive the ashes, marked on our foreheads in the sign of the cross, to remember our sin and to remember the Lord who suffered death to give us life everlasting.

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Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday

Join us at the Community Center of Mountain Shadows at 4040 Piedmont Dr. Highland, CA 92346 at 6pm for our Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. We’ll eat and fellowship together and then conclude with the burning of the palms to make ashes for Ash Wednesday.

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Wednesday Evening Study: Burial of the Dead

Wednesday Evening Study: Burial of the Dead

Join us on Wednesday, February 15th at 7pm to study the liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer for a service of Burial of the Dead. In this study we will explore a Biblical understanding of death and mourning, how a Christian ought to prepare for death, how we can testify about Jesus even in death, and what the Scriptures teach us about the state of the dead in Christ.

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Wednesday Evening Study: Holy Matrimony

Wednesday Evening Study: Holy Matrimony

Join us on Wednesday, February 8th at 7pm to study the liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer for a service of Holy Matrimony. In this study we will explore the Biblical foundations for the marriage rite and contemplate the meaning of marriage as a sacrament that reveals Jesus and the Church to the world through sacrificial love, the godly upbringing of children, and faithfulness unto death.

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Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple

Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple

Join us on Thursday, January 2nd at 7pm to celebrate the Presentation of our Lord Jesus in the Temple with a service of Evening Prayer. His presentation was in fulfillment of the Law of Moses, that Mary might be ritually cleansed according to the Law, but it was also an opportunity for Simeon to see the Messiah and, filled with the Spirit, to prophecy about his work.

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