Catechesis at Christ’s Church

For centuries the Church has required those who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism or Confirmation to go through a season of catechesis, or instruction in the faith. Traditionally one to three years, this season of preparation was designed to prepare the catechumen (one instructed) wholistically for the Christian life. At Christ’s Church the aim is to provide instruction in the faith, practical exercises to respond to the instruction, and opportunities to live out the faith in the contexts of the Church and the World. Below you can find an overview of the twelve sessions. If you are interested in preparing for Baptism or Confirmation, please contact us and we will provide resources and options for beginning the process.

Session 1: The Gospel

Topics: Why did God create us? How did we fall into submission to sin, death, and the devil? What is our only hope in life and death?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 1-17 of the Catechism, Articles 9-14, 17-18 of the 39 Articles (pgs. 775-777, 778-779), and Homily 1-2 from the Book of Homilies. Total reading: 28 pages. Listen to Child of Dust by Thrice, a song written from the perspective of Earth to fallen humanity.

Homework After Session: Consider the ways sin, death, and the devil have oppressed you. Use a creative outlet such as journaling, art, poetry, music, etc. to express how you’ve seen these powers at work in your life.

Session 2: The Holy Scriptures

Topics: How has God revealed himself and his will? Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote the Bible, what types of writings are included, and how are these writings organized? What is the overarching narrative of the Bible?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 25-35 of the Catechism, Articles 6 and 7 of the 39 Articles (pgs. 773-775), Homily 1-1 from the Book of Homilies, and this handout on the four senses of interpretation. Total reading: 16 pages. Listen to Blessed Jesus, at Your Word.

Homework After Session: Imagine a Jewish friend asks you why you believe Jesus is the Messiah. Using only the Old Testament, how would you share your faith in Jesus?

Session 3: The Book of Common Prayer

Topics: Why do we use a prayer book and where did it come from? How do I pray Morning and Evening Prayer (the Daily Office)?

Preparation for Session:  Read Questions 244-251 of the Catechism, the 1549 Preface (pg. 794-797), the 1662 Preface (pg. 798-802), the 2019 Preface (pg. 1-5), Concerning the Divine Service of the Church (pg. 6-8), the Calendar of the Christian Year (pg. 687-690), Sunday, Holy Day, and Commemoration Lectionary General Instructions (pg. 716-717), Daily Office Lectionary (pg. 734-737), the Fundamental Declarations of the Province (766-767), and the Jerusalem Declaration (pg. 791-793). Total reading: 34 pages. Listen to How Firm a Foundation.

Homework After Session: Pray Morning or Evening Prayer every day this week.

Session 4: The Holy Trinity

Topics: What are the Creeds of the Church and where did they come from? Why do we affirm that God is without body, parts, or passions? Why do we believe in one God and how does he work indivisibly (inseparable operations)? How do we distinguish between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (relations of origin)?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 18-24 and 36-47 from the Catechism, the Resolution Concerning the Nicene Creed (pg. 768), the Athanasian Creed (pg. 769-771), Article 1 of the 39 Articles (pg. 772), and this section from On the Trinity by St. Augustine. Total reading: 19 pages. Listen to Holy, Holy, Holy.

Homework After Session: Imagine you are enjoying your Saturday morning. Around 10am a Mormon missionary stops by to share his faith. How would you respond to the Mormon claim that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are three distinct gods?

Session 5: The Incarnation

Topics: What do we mean when we confess that the Son was eternally begotten of the Father (eternal generation)? What do we celebrate every Christmas (the nativity)? How do we speak of Christ as both Son of God and Son of Man (two natures, two wills, two operations, but one person)?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 48-58 of the Catechism, the Nicene Creed (pg. 109), and Article 2 of the 39 Articles (pg. 772), and this section from First Discourse Against the Arians by St. Athanasius. Total reading: 11 pages. Listen to Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.

Homework After Session: It’s another beautiful Saturday morning. Around 10am two Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your door to share about their faith. How would you respond to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ claim that the Son is the first and greatest of God’s creations?

Session 6: The Work of Christ

Topics: Why did Christ live a perfect life of obedience to the Father? Why did Jesus suffer and die under Pontius Pilate? Why was Jesus buried? While Jesus body rested in the tomb, where was his soul? What do we celebrate on Easter Sunday? Why did Jesus ascend into heaven? What will happen when Christ returns?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 59-83 of the Catechism and Articles 3, 4, 15, and 17 of the 39 Articles (pg. 773, 777, 779), and Homily 2-14 from the Book of Homilies. Total Reading: 17 pages. Listen to Death in His Grave by John Mark McMillan.

Homework After Session: Reflect on the person and work of Christ in a creative way. Write a poem or a song or draw or paint an image. Feel free to take inspiration from a hymn or an icon.

Session 7: Pneumatology

Topics: Who is the Holy Spirit? What is the work of the Spirit in each Christian? How does the Spirit empower and embolden us to live in the communion of saints?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 84-120 of the Catechism, the Apostles’ Creed, and Articles 5, 19-24, and 34 of the 39 Articles of Religion (pgs. 773, 779-781, 785), and Homily 2-16 from the Book of Homilies. Total reading: 29 pages. Listen to Spirit of the Living God by Audrey Assad.

Homework After Session: Spend some time journaling about the ways in which you’ve seen the Spirit at work in your life (through reading Scripture, sanctification, the sacraments, evangelism, etc.) and considering how the Spirit may be leading you to love your neighbor as yourself through acts of charity.

Session 8: The Sacraments of Initiation

Topics: How does the Father adopt me as his child, unite me to his Church through the person and work of Jesus, and empower me for ministry through his Spirit in baptism? How does the body of Christ respond to the gospel in corporate worship and how does Holy Communion nourish and sustain me for the work God has called me to do? How does Confirmation fulfill my baptism, further strengthen me for ministry, and complete my union to the Church?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 121-139 of the Catechism, the liturgy and rubrics for Holy Communion (pg. 104-122, 128-130, 132-143), Baptism (pg. 160-173), and Confirmation (pg. 174-181) and read Articles 16 and 25-33 of the 39 Articles (pgs. 778, 781-785). Total reading: 49 pages. Listen to Baptized in Water.

Homework After Session: Prayerfully review the Baptismal and Confirmation vows (pg. 164-165 and 177). If you have been baptized, assess before the Lord how faithful you have been to these vows and consider areas in need of repentance. If you are preparing for baptism, note areas in need of reformation through the grace of the Spirit.

Session 9: The Sacraments of the Christian Life

Topics: Who has God called to preach, teach, and administer the sacraments? What is the purpose of holy matrimony? How are sin and sickness sometimes connected? How should I prepare to glorify God in my death?

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 140-153 of the Catechism, the liturgy and rubrics for Holy Matrimony (198-221), The Rites of Healing (222-245), and Burial of the Dead (246-266). Total reading: 67 pages. Listen to In Paradise by Rachel Wilhelm.

Homework After Session: Fill out this form for preparation for Burial.

Session 10: The Lord's Prayer

Topics: Prayer as a means to order our hearts towards God. The address, seven petitions, and doxology of the Our Father.

Preparation for Session: Use this worksheet to reflect on the meaning and intent of each section of the Our Father. Read Questions 154-243. Total reading: 20 pages. Listen to The Lord’s Prayer by Paul Zach.

Homework After Session: Spend some time reviewing the occasional prayers in the Book of Common Prayer (pgs. 642-683), noting some that might be worth memorizing for regular use.

Session 11: Sin, Justification, and Sanctification

Topics: The human condition as a result of sin. Justification in Christ. Sanctification in the Spirit. The first three commandments.

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 256-267, 357-368, and 268-289 of the Catechism and this excerpt from Martin Luther’s Large Catechism. Total reading: 17 pages. Listen to A Mighty Fortress is Our God.

Homework After Session: Spend 30 minutes to an hour using this examine based on the decalogue, inviting the Spirit to reveal areas in need of confession, repentance, and reformation.

Session 12: Self-Examination with the Law and the Spirit

Topics: The last seven of the Ten Commandments. How to examine oneself before Holy Communion or in preparation for sacramental confession. How to develop a rule of life.

Preparation for Session: Read Questions 290-356 and 252-255 of the Catechism. Total reading: 15 pages. Listen to Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me.

Homework After Session: Develop a Rule of Life and schedule a time to review your rule with your Catechist.